20 Things I Learned in 2020

Hello! I am sure that you guys probably have no idea who I am at this point. I must be truthful when I say I lost the motivation and love for this blog over the past few years. School got a lot harder and I was more focused on my book server which you can check out here. I learned a lot during this chaotic year about myself and others. I wanted to share with you the twenty things I learned.

  1. It is okay to ask for help! This was something I struggled with a lot in 2020 because I felt like I was burdening those around me if I asked for help. I realized that 9/10 times the people you care about will want to help you.
  2. Losing friends is 100% normal! 2020 was a big year for me in terms of relationships. I gained a few friends and I lost a few friends. Some friendships were lost organically as the year went along and some ended in bad terms. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. Those people were meant to be in your life for one reason or another.
  3. Give yourself a damn break because you’ll suffer from burn out. I went to school from Spring – Summer – Fall with no true break. I felt so burnt out by the end of fall semester I had honestly debated taking a semester off.
  4. Self care is key especially during a pandemic. I honestly neglected myself for the first few months. I wasn’t giving myself the same love I was giving others.
  5. People are selfish. I guess I have always been the kind of person that wants to believe in the best in people, but I think it is safe to say we are all selfish in our own ways. I realized that there’s different types of selfish behaviors (wear your mask pls).
  6. Not everyone is going to like you and that is okay! You don’t need to change yourself to please others. I came out of a really rough friendship group at the beginning of 2020 that always made me feel like I was a different person.
  7. It is okay to not have accomplished as much as you wanted to this year because it’s been a really rough year. I honestly don’t think I completed any of my goals for this year (rip).
  8. Second chances are worth it. I do want to note that if the person is toxic and bad for you then don’t give them the second chance. If both parties have grown and acknowledge their mistakes then the second chance is worth it.
  9. Stop letting people peer pressure you into things you no longer have interest in doing.
  10. Sitting in your best friend’s car and having a laugh can relieve stress. I am so grateful that my best friend and I have been very good about social distancing and being mindful of others that we are able to have moments like these this year. It has really helped with my mental health.
  11. Stop feeling bad that you gave up on your bullet journal towards the end of the year. I love my bujo, but I had no motivation to continue on with it because school was so stressful.
  12. Get out in nature more because it is healing. I went hiking a few times this summer and went out on the water. It has really helped me take my mind off of things.
  13. New hobbies are fun! I picked up roller skating recently and it has been a blast.
  14. Read at your own pace. I feel like this is something I am constantly reminding myself because I feel like I read so slowly compared to others. I might not be reading nearly 50 books a year, but I’m chugging along.
  15. Sometimes life is just hard and the only thing to do is look forward.
  16. Spending time to just destress at the end of the day is so crucial for mental health.
  18. Take breaks from social media! I actually ended up deleting my snapchat app for good after I took a social media break in May/June. I have definitely been limiting my time on twitter and other social medias. This year has been filled with so many negativity so breaks from social media is needed.
  19. Make sure you take care of yourself before you take care of others. If your mental health is a bit of a mess then you might not be able to fully be there for your friend or partner. This is something I really had to focus on this year because I’m empath. I have a lot of feelings lol.
  20. Be fucking proud that you made it through this year because holy moly it was a train wreck of a year! This goes out to everyone that had no idea if they would make it to see 2021.

I don’t know where I am going to go with this blog. I think I want it to be more than just a book blog. I think that has always been my intention since day one. I really hope that you guys take the time to stick around if other content outside of bookish content appeals to you. I can’t wait to see what the new year brings us.

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